Should I [17F] tell my sister [23F] about my boyfriend [30M]?

We are planning on telling my family in six months, so that we don't have to hide anymore.

You bring up many solid points, all of which I have considered in previous months. Before we started dating even. I understand that I am still growing and changing. I have no doubts in my mind that I will be different in a few years than I am now, and neither does he. We understand that keeping our relationship fluid with my (and his) growth is crucial.

But I find that he is nether immature or a predator. When we first met he had a full-time, well paying job, and now has two part time jobs. He is well to do in his jobs, has his own house, car, and social live. Never once has he forced me into anything, asked or allowed me to help him financially, tried to keep me away from friends, control what I eat, wear, do, or say. Other than to advise me to stay away from drugs and alcohol and to only drive 100% sober lol. At all times he is making sure that I'm happy and always puts me first (sometimes even if I don't want him to) and is even a month free from a 15 year streak of smoking, for me. Does this help you see my side any?

And I'm sorry you have had bad things happen to you before. I hope they are in the past now and you've been able to recover.

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