Should I (17M) stand up to my parents?

FWIW - parents and teenagers often have conflicts at your age. They frustrate you by continuing to try and control you and "micromanage" to guide your life with every criticism treating you like a child still...and you piss them off by trying to find your your individuality and discover yourself. Conflict is normal. Confrontation - isn't always advisable especially if you still need them in some form for financial support and lodging. Never burn a bridge unless you really do not need to go back that way.

You need to recognize and understand a few things right now - first--who you are and what you want to do NOW is NOT often how you will be and feel when you are say age 25. You may think you are in control and know what you want to do - but that CAN and often WILL change as you get older. Also - there may be many factors which you do not know yet for some of your decisions and ideas, which will often change your view of what you want to do now. Very often a lot of college kids get into college with one goal and after 2 years - they hate what they wanted...cause they learned it wasn't what they thought it would be like..and suddenly they feel derailed and uncertain what they want to do or will do. For college - your parents have a point in that you should pick something YOU like but it also needs to be something that can be a financial benefit for you in learning and being able to make a job from. So if you are not seeing that yet - they are going to try and direct you in another direction to ensure you have a strong base for your life to work from. IF you have something strong that you want to - explore it in great detail... If you explore your interests - then take that knowledge and 'sell it' to your parents showing them the financial potential and stability etc. Remember - they want you to succeed... There are a ton of kids who their folks let them decide to pursue "ART/POETRY or THEATER" in college and their kids end up living paycheck to paycheck struggling as waiters and bartenders or delivery drivers just to make rent cause they later discover that making a living with some of those obscure desires isn't feasible as they thought.

Fighting with people rarely leads to an end result which is mutually understood..confrontational approaches are childish and always met with confrontational defensive positions which close off lines of communications and understanding. Education is the best way to communicate and present any argument in order to help change minds to see or understand views being presented. Parents should have this skill - but many do not (yours sound sadly inept at this) they need to be educated to explain themselves instead of saying "my way or the highway" type of argumentative bullshit. YOU can help guide them to explaining themselves, so you can understand by simply saying - you do not understand their reasoning...can you please explain why you are believing this is what I should do. And you need to be able to present counter information to support your views to help them understand what you are seeing. Discussions you are having should be on going processes of communication - not singular instance discussions where things are repeated without any development.

Try to remember - they often only want the best for you - they want you to succeed and not make critical mistakes which will inhibit you from being able to be successful. You in turn want to be able to express your thoughts so they can understand your view and what you see and want for yourself. Success comes in many forms - people often see their jobs defining themselves..but jobs are only a means to an end. Jobs can provide you $$ for you to be able to continue your side interests that make you happy without worry...where sometimes jobs that make you happy often do not provide financial ease. You have a lot to plan and think about for yourself - and you still have time to make decisions for yourself. Even well into your 20's and 30's - you can always change careers later. Do not think that if you do one thing now - you will be stuck there... Failing at things teaches you things...studying and then later changing careers is never a waste of time - everything you do will teach you things which you can then learn and use later on in other pursuits.

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