Should I [23F] tell my friend [26F] she smells?

I felt this way about a few friends in the past and never ended up saying anything. Now I have health issues that cause problems with my lymphatic system and skin, and switched to a simple homemade deodorant in an effort to keep symptoms down and prevent future complications. I am aware of my funky smell more than anyone else, and would not want anyone to point it out to me. After reading a lot more about chemicals common in deodorant and how bad they can be for the body (reading scientific research studies not those bullshit unfounded snake-oil selling advertisement made to look like science), I would never want to be the person that influenced a person to start wearing something daily that eventually caused health problems ya know? Plus I think if humans lasted most of existence without this product on our armpits daily, why cant we handle people not using it now? Its weirder that we think we need it if you really think about it. I still dont like the smell of BO in the air, but I'd rather work on my own mental strength because ultimately that's all we really have control of.

/r/relationships Thread