So... Should I (30M) Text my ex-fiance (30F)

So I wanted to follow up with you today...

I spoke to some mutual friends yesterday only to find that they were hanging out with my ex, but of course wouldn't give me details on her life for my own good...

When I mentioned this to my current GF about this (Mostly because she's friends with the oother mutual friends), she was very sympathetic and wanted to discuss what I was going through in more depth. I told her how I thought about my ex way too much and that maybe I was just dating her to fill a hole, and how that wasn't fair for her... I mentioned this a couple times... But she mostly wrote off my concerns, and told me not to worry about it and that she was perfectly fine and liked dating me... So should I trust her and not worry about it? Dating her for the short term but expecting a break up? Do I still even need to break up?

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