Should I [56M] tell my daughter's [26F] boyfriend [28M] not to propose?

I like this idea as it could just come off as a man-to-man talk and that would probably work super well for John because while I like him, we're really different. I literally chop wood for fun and he can solve a Rubik's cube in under a minute so I know from my daughter that he has a bit of an insecurity about measuring up as "manly guy" and whether I see him as a "guy's guy" (which makes me laugh because he obviously tries to bring up football about every 3 minutes like he's just trying to make sure I remember he likes masculine things and every time before they come over I get the lecture of "Just include him in something outdoorsy dad so he can feel like a brawny man!").

I could just phrase it as "life tips from one man to another" instead of some insider information.

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