Should I come back?

Nope. Early access founder here. Game is dead and I don't see it returning to the state it was in.

There is zero strategy other than keep minions pushed and rushing objectives before they are even spawned. Late game has been extinct. There is zero benefit to building into tank or sustain, it's a bloody brawl and I can't tell the difference between Paragon and Call of doody.

It's a shame because I just began to understand how to properly play and excel late game. I'm completely done playing for now.

It's cool you want to call this a Beta for as long as possible, #everythreeweeks and sell skins for $5-10 slowly until the hero base is built... but where is the effort else where?

Where's the lore? What are these robots we're fighting ? Why is there deformed raptor bear pigs in a pit? What do the quirky loading screen Quotes mean? Why do cards grant movement speed while only bleeding ? I'm sorry but there is just too much lack of interesting here, epic was on to something ...but ultimately this game has gone to shit.


/r/paragon Thread