Should we be concerned by the fact more and more games are being monetized trough increasingly devious "Gambling" mechanisms that target people with the personalities prone to gambling addiction, and children?

Nah there is no news source for it because I wasn't gonna call the cops when I was somewhat involved in the situation. The dude getting robbed was a small time drug dealer and the guy who robbed him was the person I bought weed from at the time. He told me to hit him up the next time I saw the dude so I called him and let him know he was in the shop. I didn't realize he was gonna rob the dude in my store via shotgun though, I just thought he was trying to find him to sell him some bud or get some money he owed him or something. TSG was a shit-show though so this certainly isn't the average "gamer" LAN center experience. I doubt anyone will believe the story but that's not why I was telling it. The reason I was telling the story is to show that these extremes happen in any situation where people are excessively wrapped up in their hobbies. Just like the casino customers didn't care enough to stop what they were doing, there was no way in hell you were going to get someone to go AFK in the middle of a CS scrim unless it was they themselves being robbed. Even then I wouldn't doubt if someone just handed the guy their wallet and was like fuck off now, I gotta clutch this.

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