We should do a daily complaining Thread about how much scaling champions are broken but Sona still sucks

??? i duoed last 4 games cuz some guy asked me to, but I usually never duo. I soloed first 20 games and had 85% win ratio, if anything duoing brought it down. The guy I duoed with was plat 2, not even a smurf, so take that as you will. Whatever you gotta tell yourself to sleep better at night though. I would continue to play sona even if she had a 40% win ratio. My original point was that everyone here is bitching she's trash when she has a 51-52% win ratio as a champ, people were used to her being broken as fuck and ran away from the champ when she got nerfed to normal status. If you're good at the champ, none of that shit matters. You can either play the champ well to her fullest potential, or you go play janna and nami in d5 with coinflip win rate ;)

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