So I should just play any deck, then?

How to trigger anyone who played during the first few expansions of the new version of VS(2PCG). A Thanos deck was as far away from perfectly balanced as possible until they were forced to make him the first Main Character to get nerfed.

Links for reference for anyone interested: Level 1 - I can stop my opponent's KO-pile interactions and make their draw worse, and had probably the easiest experience game, gotta love just suiciding your entire team to level up. Level 2 - While it might seem tough cost, it was really easy to fulfil, especially as you could discard the Resources from hand to do it on turn 2/3 if you were lucky enough. Nerfed version - Harder to level, now really vulnerable to solo or mostly solo decks. While the Level 2 ability is still really impressive, it's no longer as backbreaking and you don't have to hold back on card-draw plays.

For reference the scene went from over 75% Thanos decks (and a lot of store nights/tournaments enforcing house-bans on the deck) to it being lucky to have anyone playing the deck, even at the larger tournaments.

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