I lost my virginity at 16, which at the time was kind of late (a lot of kids were having sex at like 13-14). I always pushed it off because I wanted it to be with someone special blah blah blah. The truth of the matter is that it really doesn't matter. Any relationship at that age doesn't really matter. Also the first time you have sex is going to be pretty bad, mostly in retrospect, but at the time you're just going to be stoked you got laid regardless.
If I were you, especially being at 20 I'd just do it just to do it and get through it. Then you'll see sex isn't really the thing you held it up to be your entire life, especially once you get in a steady relationship where you can have sex pretty much whenever you want. I'm not saying that sex isn't nice either, but it's kinda like masturbating where the first few times were pretty cool but after your 2nd or 3rd dozenth jerk off it's like yep, this is jerking off.
Plus you need to start getting experience so when you do find someone really special you're not like, the 25 year old dude who has no idea what he's doing and gets off in 20 seconds