Should I move to America?

Definitely not. The quality of life in America is plummeting because we refuse to address the problem of economic inequality. We have accepted income inequality as a normal (and perhaps even desirable) state of things due to a devastatingly effective propaganda campaign that was waged in the '80s on behalf of a fatally-flawed economic policy called "trickle-down economics."

Trickle-down economics is a theory that if you give tax breaks to the rich and relax regulations on businesses, those savings will "trickle down" to everyone else. The problem is that there's nothing to stop the rich from hoarding that money for themselves and not let it trickle down.

This has led to the nation's wealthy being vastly concentrated in the hands of a very small group of people. This is bad for the economy because that means less money is being spent to keep the economy going. Rich people will spend a relatively small amount of money because there are so few of them, and they only need so many widgets and vehicles and whatnot for their own use. So, they'll just hoard the vast excess. In contrast, the middle and working classes will spend more money in total because there are more of them, and they definitely want and need things. This spending maintains the health of the economy.

Think of a nation's economy as a living organism. Money is the lifeblood of this organism. Now, we have a term for what happens when the flow of blood is blocked: cardiac arrest. A heart attack. The 2008 crisis was an economic heart attack caused by economic inequality. Because we refuse to fix economic inequality, we will eventually have anothee economic heart attack that will be just as bad or worse.

For this reason, the standard of living in America is declining and will continue to decline. It is cause for some optimism that the vast majority of our young people support the democratic socialist principles of Bernie Sanders, so we will hopefully right the ship eventually in the long term. However, in the short term (the next decade or so), we are fucked.

So, don't come to America. It's becoming a third world country. It's basically turning into Brazil, and while Brazil is a culturally-great nation, it's an economic shithole thanks to economic inequality. So, until we unfuck ourselves, stay away. Oh, and if you have a medical emergency here, you'll be horribly, horribly screwed...

/r/makemychoice Thread