Should I move out?

You are fortunate to know your mom is a narcissist at your age, I did not figure it out til I was 25 because I was so brainwashed. Do not feel guilty for doing what you want to do in life. You have full power and control over your life after you are 18. I wish I would have realized that at 18. Nmoms fear their child’s growing independence and often want to keep you home because they have more control over you if you live home. It is not your responsibility to fix your moms mental problems. She needs therapy, which they rarely admit to. They know what to say to make you feel guilty, they are master manipulators. Trust yourself, trust your own feelings and thoughts regardless of what she tells you. It is not fair for you to live with a toxic mother who puts you down. I would work on creating a budget of all of your expenses and calculate what you can afford with your new job. If you can’t afford your own apartment, you could get roommates. I had trouble with money management, that’s why I’d advise to plan that ahead of time so you don’t have to move back in with her later on. I’d also suggest saving a few months rent in advance if possible to have a little cushion. Take care of you. Your an adult. She has no power over you anymore. It’s your time to shine. Her problems are not your burden to carry.

/r/raisedbynarcissists Thread