Why should I take NACET over NAC?

  • NAC has only 5% oral bioavailability.
  • NAC is supposedly not able to be uptaken by cells, rather it only increases plasma levels of Cysteine (by reduction from NAC -> Cysteine), therefore requiring very high levels and being very limiting in its effects (and failing most of its clinical trials).
  • In contrast to NAC, NACET has a unique mechanism of action: it gets uptaken by cells and then gets "trapped" inside cells, as it is de-esterified to NAC which cannot cross the cell membrane, and this intracellular NAC is then slowly converted to cysteine, which increases GSH synthesis.
  • NACET greatly increases the glutathione content of most issues, including the brain.
  • NACET's unique mechanism of action makes it a self-limiting compound. Too high doses of NACET will overload the glutathione conversion pathways and block its effects.
  • NACET is an even better paracetamol antidote than NAC.
  • NACET increases endogenous H2S (Hydrogen Sulfide) production, which seems to be beneficial/protective for several pathologies.


  • By comparing NAC studies with NACET, NACET may have unique features of modulating serotonergic/dopaminergic systems and positively affect these.
  • NACET may improve depression and compulsive and manic behaviors.
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