Should the NFL address blatant throw-aways, e.g. throwing the ball at a running back's feet.

Section 2 Intentional Grounding DEFINITION Article 1 Definition. It is a foul for intentional grounding if a passer, facing an imminent loss of yardage because of pressure from the defense, throws a forward pass without a realistic chance of completion. A realistic chance of completion is defined as a pass that lands in the direction and the vicinity of an originally eligible receiver. Item 1: Passer or Ball Outside Tackle Position. Intentional grounding will not be called when a passer, who is outside, or has been outside, the tackle position throws a forward pass that lands at or beyond the line of scrimmage, even if no offensive player(s) have a realistic chance to catch the ball (including when the ball lands out of bounds over the sideline or endline). If a loose ball leaves the area bordered by the tackles, this area no longer exists; if the ball is recovered, all intentional grounding rules apply as if the passer is outside this area. Item 2: Physical Contact. ,QWHQWLRQDOJURXQGLQJVKRXOGQRWEHFDOOHGLI D WKHSDVVHULQLWLDWHVKLVSDVVLQJPRWLRQWRZDUGDQHOLJLEOHUHFHLYHUDQGWKHQLVVLJQLILFDQWO\DIIHFWHG E\SK\VLFDOFRQWDFWIURPDGHIHQVLYHSOD\HUWKDWFDXVHVWKHSDVVWRODQGLQDQDUHDWKDWLVQRWLQWKH GLUHFWLRQDQGYLFLQLW\RIDQHOLJLEOHUHFHLYHURU E WKHSDVVHULVRXWRIWKHSRFNHWDQGKLVSDVVLQJPRWLRQLVVLJQLILFDQWO\DIIHFWHGE\SK\VLFDOFRQWDFW IURPDGHIHQVLYHSOD\HUWKDWFDXVHVWKHEDOOWRODQGVKRUWRIWKHOLQHRIVFULPPDJH Item 3: Stopping ClockA player under center is permitted to stop the game clock legally to save time if, immediately upon receiving the snap, he begins a continuous throwing motion and throws the ball directly into the ground. Item 4: Delayed SpikeA passer, after delaying his passing action for strategic purposes, is prohibited from throwing the ball to the ground in front of him, even though he is under no pressure from defensive rusher(s).

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