We should start a #Forzagate and bombard VW's Twitter with it

Do we even know why they aren't in? I have just heard from PG that they are not happy about not having VW in the game. A stupid bombardment that will just get you blocked on Twitter won't work if they didn't have a choice.

And I highly doubt they wanted to go this route. My best guess is that (considering Porsche is under VW and the same shit is going on there), VW got some other exclusive right like Porsche did and cannot be put into this game without them paying a ridiculous amount of money for licensing which they need to sell games to pay for and have the DLC to pay for it.

IF you are going to waste your time bombarding Tweets at anyone, blame VW for this. It's not on PG. Either they were forced with no option to do this OR they couldn't add other new cars in because they would be paying an arm and a leg for a few Beetles and hatchbacks.

Personally, I want to see other cars added as I never use VW's except for the Golf R. But I won't cry about it. They are looking at the majority and sorry, but one manufacturer doesn't trump removing multiple manufacturers.

/r/forza Thread