Should I stay 3x20 with the paid boss armour?

There are a lot and differents ways to play this game. Some people will tell you "Keep farming arena badges and don't rush your throne level", others will say totally opposite.

The truth is that your arena "3x20" is the first and the easiest one, with archer boss gear you can easily win a lot of tournaments.

When you go to 4x20 or 4x30 you will see a very huge difference, cause at those arenas, bracket sistem starts changing a lot, this means different level figthers configurations (broked levels), different legendary and event artifacts, and winning tournaments will become much more difficult.

Some people will say is better to go stay at 3x20 to farm as max arena as possible

Others think is better to go directly to 4x40 to farm arena and portal at the same time

Other think is better to not play.

And the only one truth is: do whatever you want to do.

The advice I can say to you is: as more arena badges you have earned and saved, more master chest from the arena shop you can buy, and easier and more quick you can eqquip your figthers. This ones has legendary gear from throne level 7. and each throne level, this chest cost much more.

Here, on reddit, you have a huge ammount of posts with a lot of info. I reccomend you just to read it, and later decide if you want to stay a little bit more on your arena, or you want to move.

(I was dominating your arena for 3months, saving more than 300k bagdes, and later I regret not having more)

/r/HustleCastle Thread