We should stop posting Reverse Repo Numbers if this is true. Just like DRS needs relentless momentum, information on the sub should only be posted daily if it actually affects GameStop or MOASS. Wrinkles needed.

For the record ONRRP is indirectly related to GME and indiscriminate lending practices as a whole.

The huge surplus of cash was supposed to be used to ease COVID issues but was abused by mmf and other counterparties opting for volume based returns on low interest rates.

The entire thing is fucked but apparently you don't want folks to use any barometer or any metric to approximate the fucked up shit we have. So what are folks just supposed to be happy with 10% inflation while the fed continues easing through MBS and passing that along through the bank back to themselves?

If the counterparties we're trustworthy sure, let them do this. We all know they completely abused the libir and COVID rates and now are making the people pay through inflation while they use their stacks of collateral to make it back as interest or through more lending.

You are missing half the game. Hopefully you aren't as forward with your ideas as you condescending in the future.

/r/Superstonk Thread Link - i.redd.it