Should I Tell Her I Became a Multi Millionaire?

I have the option of going to the local News Paper and getting a little interview.

And what happens after an employee of that local news paper gets fired one day?

Seriously, don't talk about it, just live life as if nothing happened and don't touch that money for at least two months untill you know what you're going to do with it.

Never trust your money to any locals. Go to a large firm in New York or LA instead and make sure to talk to an older employee, not some rookie.

The word is out soon. People will treat you like their best friend but ONLY for your money.

Oh by the way, give me $ 100.000,- for this advice. What? You're not doing so? I'm going to tell everyone about you and your money and I'm going to keep an eye on you and your family. Don't have family? I'll go after your friends. Don't have friends? I'll kidnap your pet. Don't have a pet? Good. I'll make sure to get my hands on your money.

Did you realize that my brother is in the hospital because he served this country? He is treated like shit. What have you done for this country? Don't you think it's fair to at least give him some hope for the future?

See what I did here? This is what's going to happen to you if the word is out. Keep it to yourself. Don't buy that exotic car. Keep a low profile.

/r/MGTOW Thread