Should I be tripping out that my girlfriend's telling me shes going to Vegas for her friends 21st? I don't know how to handle this.

Seriously?? Youve got a long way to go my friend. Lots of reading and learning, internalizing, and figuring it all out for yourself. Wont happen overnight too. After all that though you would laugh your ass off that you even asked this question in the first place.

For now though heres what you can say to her before she leaves: "k babe see u when you get back. Have fun!" All with a smile on your face like shes only going to get groceries or something. Dont pick a fight, dont sulk, dont stop her from going. Shes gonna do what shes gonna do and when she gets back your gonna kiss her and ask her about her weekend like no big deal.

You know why youre gonna do all these? Because it doesn't bother you one bit. There wont be one shred of concern or worry coming from you because you know she cant ever do anything to break that unbreakable frame of yours. And if she does, you know (and she should too) that youd dump her in a drop of a hat for a better pussy. Youre not afraid to lose her or anyone who crosses your boundaries. This is the kind of man you are. Start being it.

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