Should two consenting adults be allowed to fight to the death, why or why not?

No, I'm not. I'm arguing from an extremity, but it is a logical extremity. Why are people in many South American and Central American nations systematically murdered, raped, and kidnapped? Because drug cartels are capable of that. Why are drug cartels capable of that? Because they can profit from trafficking drugs. Why can they profit from trafficking drugs? Because in the nations that surround them drugs are illegal, which creates a massive underground demand for said drugs. Why are these drugs illegal? Because many people, mainly conservatives, believe that drugs should be illegal. Why do these people believe drugs should be illegal? Generally, because the use of drugs is morally offensive to these people. Therefore, it follows logically that these people find drugs being illegal more morally correct than preventing drug cartels from existing by legalizing drugs. Therefore, they are implicitly illustrating that they prefer to allow people to be murdered, raped, and kidnapped rather than allow drugs to be legalized.

This is the simple fact of the situation. It is time that we stopped sugarcoating the results of prohibition. People are being systematically oppressed in ways that are directly caused by our prohibition of drugs and our continued prohibition of drugs implicitly shows that we are perfectly fine with these people being killed so long as drugs can't be used legally. And don't give me, "But drugs kill people and ruin lives!" 1) If drugs were legal then they would better regulated and wouldn't contain unexpected chemicals like Fentanyl. 2) Even if drugs continued to kill people due to ODs, those few people dying would still be preferable to the mass oppression that is done by drug cartels.

Downvote if you like. If this offends your sensibilities then good because its time that Americans stop being more worried about being in their little bubbles and realize that this world is a fucked up place and there is a great deal that we can do to improve it and the easiest of those things that we can do is to simply remove prohibition. Our economy would improve, our societal inhibitions and peer shaming would decrease, people would be able to take recreational substances to help endure stress in a healthy way, and we would immediately begin to see the drug cartels in nations nearby fail because of the loss of a major form of income. It's as simple as that and anyone who makes any argument to the contrary is simply wrong and is flat out showing that they are perfectly fine with the continued deaths of these people. Each and every second that we sit here and argue about such a menial topic there are tens, if not hundreds, of people suffering because of our "moral stance" on drugs.

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