They should’ve given us a spring break

I study 8-12 hours a day every day of the week. I don’t have a life outside of trying to catch up. I don’t have time for anything I am miserable I can’t take it anymore. I finish 10 things, I have 20 more that I am behind on. College was not like this before the pandemic. I have taken 18 credits in normal semesters and managed fine. I am in 14 now and completely overwhelmed. I can’t take it anymore, no one cares about students, professors don’t bother to record new, audible lectures and assign 5x the amount of work and make exams so so so difficult for no reason. I am so exhausted, I want to give up, I have never been so miserable because of school. My family also only cares about my grades and nothing else. Covid college has removed anything else from the college experience and now only grades matter. Nothing else. No break, no friends, no professor, nothing. Sit there 80 hours a week and you might earn a bad grade anyways, and repeat this every week.

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