Why you should be watching fortitude if you aren't already.

I can't say I love it. The setting is interesting, and there are some very good actors involved, but the show has some huge problems.

It's completely unfocused and badly structured, with scenes going nowhere; in one scene, for example, they're calling a manhunt for a missing woman, and yet in the next scene it seems everyone has forgotten about it, including several who should have been out looking for her.

Way too many minor character harbouring mysterious, apparently unnecessary secrets. A passive-aggressive cop who behaves extremely unprofessionally. Actually, they're all passive-aggressive.

It's supposed to be set on the Norwegian archipelago of Svalbard, and the town is clearly modeled after Longyearbyen, on the island of Spitsbergen, the only sizeable town on Svalbard aside from some small Russian mining towns. Unfortunately, you have to know pretty much nothing about the area to find the setting plausible:

  • According to the press materials, the town is "perched on the edge of the Arctic Circle". Svalbard is far within the Arctic Circle; it's fairly close to the North Pole. The Arctic Circle is huge.
  • Svalbard has very few roads. The number of cars shown in the show is a bit unrealistic.
  • Svalbard has an arctic, glacial climate, where the ground alternatingly freezes and thaws, creating conditions where the ground is very cold in the winter, but can get muddy in the summer. For that reason, houses are typically built on piles (stilts that go into the ground) and with tall foundations (as can be seen here) to keep them both insulated from the ground and to prevent them from sliding away.
  • On a related note, a lot of the houses shown have flat roofs. Not a good idea when you get lots of snow. Houses on Svalbard have slanted roofs.
  • Apparently even the native characters speak English to each other, even in private?
  • The few snatches of Norwegian, spoken by the sheriff, are ludicrously, incomprehensibly bad. It's obvious that no voice coach was ever used on set, and that the actor was reading lines phonetically and had never heard Norwegian spoken before. The few Norwegian signs around are also laughably misspelled.
  • On a related note, all the actors playing non-English characters have completely inconsistent English accents. It's like nobody tried to coach them into adopting a single accept. The one that comes closest to a Scandinavian accent is the blonde policewoman. Ironically, the only Scandinavian actor, Sofie Gråbøl, who is Danish, speaks with less of an accent than the Brits pretending to be Scandinavian.
  • The idea of a glacier hotel is nonsensical, I think. The thing about glaciers is that they move quite a bit. A glacier hotel would be pushed along by the glacier. Ice hotels exist, but they aren't built out of glaciers.
  • So far, nobody has been seen skiing and only on two brief occasions have we seen people using snow scooters.
  • Some buildings are a little too fancy. (With one notable exception, see below.) In particular, a flat-roofed house with huge windows such as the professor's would be impractical.
  • Finally: A holding cell with a glass wall, really?

On the other hand, stuff that is actually true:

  • People are not allowed to die in Longyearbyen.
  • The island is very isolated, and is completely reliant on provisions from the mainland. Medical treatment facilities are limited.
  • There are lots of polar bears, and they're dangerous.
  • People carry rifles all the time.
  • For part of the year it's dark constantly, 24/7.
  • There are Russian mining colonies. Living conditions are harsh, they're staffed with mostly poor Ukrainians, and the Russian presence is completely political at this point (the mines operate at a loss).
  • People who chose live there can be a bit weird.
  • The architecture of the governor's public administation building is actually quite modern. The global seed vault (aka doomsday vault) is also quite striking.
  • There are glaciers and mountains.

polar research station in iceland

It's filmed on Iceland, but the in-story location is not specified. But it's clearly supposed to be Longyearbyen.

/r/television Thread