Shouldn't voices be country specific

[–]KV-2 Stronk Hoovy tankKennyMcCormick315 3 points 4 hours ago  I'm fine with what we have now, but I'd like the option for localized-to-the-tank crew voices ala WoT. I wouldn't personally enable them since I actually need them to tell me when I've lost modules since the HUD isn't all that good at it, and I drive primarily soviet, so yah. permalinksavereportgive goldreply [–]Benwah11 1 point 3 hours ago*  I actually need them to tell me when I've lost modules since the HUD isn't all that good Press "o". It'll give you the x-ray view of your tank. Each component will have a different color depending on how damaged it is. Also, I too drive mainly Soviet tanks. I tried switching the language to Russian one time, for shits and giggles, and it wasn't exactly great. I've played enough that I can get through the menus without being able to read them, and hearing the Russian call-outs is really cool, but having all the text in Cyrillic was something I just couldn't work with. I'd love to be able to get Russian call-outs with English text. permalinksaveparentreportgive goldreply [–]KV-2 Stronk Hoovy tankKennyMcCormick315 1 point 3 hours ago  Press "o". It'll give you the x-ray view of your tank. Each component will have a different color depending on how damaged it is. I have that bound to middle mouse and use it fairly often when I pull the trigger and nothing happens. Thing is, I want notification the instant I take a hit to an important module. Currently the only visual indication of a damaged internal module that pops up when you take a hit is that tiny little module box in the bottom right, which is hard to see in the heat of battle. The crew voices are my main clue that I just lost my cannon breech and turret ring and thus should pull back into cover for repairs before the second shot comes in to finish the job. They're also my only clue if I take the hit while I'm zoomed in and trying to aim, doubly so for fires where the voices will sometimes play 5-6 seconds before I actually get a popup saying 'hit 6 for FPE derp'. Those things are pretty critical, so me being able to understand what they're saying takes precedence over immersion. permalinksaveparentreportgive goldreply [–]Finear 1 point 3 hours ago  only as an option i would still use english on all nations anyway permalinksavereportgive goldreply [–]me2224 [score hidden] a minute ago  It is a little strange when I win a german game and the voice of a black man says that we've one permalinksavereportgive goldreply

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