should've made this post 2.5 weeks ago but its an anniversary for me

so yeah that was obviously a long ass tangent but i really want to stress that the average person really knows like nothing about weight gain/loss and it really affects their approach to it. do your research, avoid pseudoscience (yes, low carb, low fat, juice cleanses and all that shit are pure bullshit), and stay comthat isn't possible btw which nicely leads into my next point. knowing how weight gain and loss actually works is really important. a good example of this is the role water weight plays. if you've ever eaten a big meal full of salt, carbs and sugar, stepped on thhe scale and seen that youve "gained 10 pounds", and then decided youve lost all your progress and theres no point in continuing, know that that simply isnt the case. salt, carbs and sugar all cause your body to retain water and yes water weight can cause weight fluctuations of up to 10 pounds. say for example you normally eat an appropriate amount of calories on a consistant basis to maintain your weight and then you eat a thanksgiving dinner with pie and all that shit. no, you didnt gain 10 pounds... youre simply holding more water weight due to excess sugar and the fact that the meal you ate just simply weighs more than the normal amount that you eat regularly.larly. calorie intake simply is all that matters in terms of weight loss, gain and maintenance

so yeah that was obviously a long ass tangent but i really want to stress that the average person really knows like nothing about weight gain/loss and it really affects their approach to it. do your research, avoid pseudoscience (yes, low carb, low fat, juice cleanses and all that shit are pure bullshit, im sorry if i offend but its just absolutely true), and stay commited.

/r/loseit Thread Parent