Shout out to valve AI

I still hate bots, sorry. They're hilariously unrealistic playstyle stops being hilarious and starts becoming frustrating when you want to try things out. It's next to impossible to practice actual strategies with specific characters because bots are just so weird.

There is no middle ground with the difficulty. Pick medium and you won't be able to practice late game builds because your bots typically stomp, or pick hard and get stomped because your teammates feed constantly. I know it's all a funny joke that bad bot teammates represent real games, but it's just annoying. Hard and unfair is essentially a 1v5 as your bots decide to engage impossible situations and get squashed over and over again, all while ignoring most commands you try to give. Not to mention how they always seem to focus you and you alone if a team fight breaks out. You could sneak up behind them with a shadow blade in the middle of a fight and they will ignore all immediate threats to gank you as fast as possible with impossibly good reactions and awareness.

Exploiting them to easily win is no fun because it defeats the purpose of why I would play against them in the first place. Bots being so bad almost forces you to go and play a real game to actually try out characters, because the situations you face vs bots are just so silly and unrealistic.

I'm getting mad just talking about them. Their constant 5 man Dota crap after like 10 minutes infuriates me. lol

/r/DotA2 Thread