[Show/Comic Spoilers] "What?" Comic vs Show

I'm probably going to get some flack for this, but with all the prediction threads for the season finale, I had some thoughts....about stuff....and thangs.


I love Gimple. He's pulled some heavy shit in this show and done it really really well. He's gotten things back on track, the way we were going, it felt like the prison would have fallen in the season 5 finale.

I love how he's handled groups of characters succinctly and successfully, without drawing them out more than necessary. Except for the wolves, I think. But Joe's group and the terminus situation were handled well without being drawn out into one season each bad guys with a lack of resolution.

I think he's done well wrapping up story or character arcs. And I love his overall direction....everything is going better than initially, from writing to the cinematography to the character development. His team of writers are tops.

What I don't like it's how perfectly he's followed the comics, at least recently. I liked when characters died that shouldn't have (if they'd taken the comic arcs). I like that other characters are getting the arcs of comic characters, with the addition of the arcs of the tv characters....makes for more dynamic characters.

I've seen a lot of people say that S6 finale and issue 100 should line up. All the characters in their places and fates as the comic. I like when the show feels like a different thing and not just a live action performance with the comic as script.

This next 5 episodes are going to be crazy. If we follow the comics, a lot of shit goes down.

I hate that this may be true. Because I've already been shocked. I've seen it. I've felt it. If the show follows everything that the comic does, I know I'll be "well damn. That sucks. Knew it was coming though."

I just don't want things to go down the same way. I want to feel shocked.

And maybe that's what Gimple is doing. Maybe he's lining things up so well that he turns it on its head and shocks all of us. I really hope so.

/r/thewalkingdead Thread Parent Link - i.imgur.com