Show Northern Ireland: I created a Map Based Social Network where users can mark the social groups of their city around a map. I think NI would love to map it's hidden social tribes. Link in the description

Forget all your social territory and check in mumbo jumbo - your app has so much more potential and better application. get this app sold to meetup. Or make it more specific - use it to learn more about your city/learn what's on offer in your city. Get groups to add their social businesses i.e language classes, walking groups, climbing groups, dance classes etc or get people to pay to be hosted... it could even be applied to Groupon special offers. Like hduk meets meetup... You're on to a winner here. the amount of posts in this Reddit about people being depressed, lonely, looking for new hobbies or new friends...I think you need to realise how much more you could be doing with this.

/r/northernireland Thread