Why do show writers hate the idea of immortality?

Personally, i'm all for immortality, but i can see the argument against it:

Imagine if Hitler or Stalin never died and never could die.

The rich and powerful living forever isn't so much of an issue if i as a commoner could choose to live outside their influence. The bad part is if their influence was so far reaching that i could never escape. At that point, if i want the life i choose, i have to fight them.

But what if like Hitler their power was also too far reaching? What if i could never fight them because they have an army and i have a spoon? If so much as think against the dictator i'm put in prison.

Want to buy a house? After a thousand years they've become so rich they literally own everything. I can only rent.

The thing about death is that it introduces an instability. An absolutely point of chaos that destroys everybody eventually. So no matter how perfect a political system or wealthy family is, flaws get introduced with time as they die off and their descendants take over. Now their descendants maybe just as good as their parents. But all it takes is one utter moronic fuck-up to destroy the line.

Same thing with politics. If politicians never died then their oppressive ideals will never change. Imagine if a politician you hate got into power and simply... never left... ever? There would never be hope for your country to go in the direction you'd like.

But as new politicians come in things change, sometimes better, sometimes worse, but they change.

Contrary to the idea that life is the opposite of death. Death actually complements life. There is no true evolution if the old and the outdated can't die. New ideas can't replace the old ones.

Death forces change upon the world.

Personally i'd still want immortality, i'm too selfish to die for my ideals :)

/r/alteredcarbon Thread