Show your emotions

their biological need to express emotion is lesser, but their socially-constructed ability to do so is even less than that.

I suppose the question would be "Why has it been socially constrcted in that matter?"

And human females may not have evolved to accept male weakness, but just like males, they evolved to adapt to and internalize social pressures.

That's true, but our instinct plays the part of developing those societal pressures in the first place. The reason that emotion is downplayed in male society is because of our biology. The reason women are sexualized is because of biology. The reason aggressiveness and violence is more common among males is because of biology. Society is merely a mirror of our genetics.

As I stated in my first sentence, our culture has outpaced evolution. We as a society may feel something is right, but it can be incredibly difficult to change what is literally encoded into your brain from birth.

If this were not the case, all the world's problems would simply be resolved overnight through pure reason alone.

it's not like evolution is an insurmountable hurdle in changing behavior.

It isn't, but it is encoded in our bodies, and more often than not it is women demanding men to overcome their natural genetics than the other way around.

There is no cultural benefit to emotion. We would have a far more productive, efficient society if all people were dictated by pure logic. And yet, I don't know anyone who would argue humans as a whole could overcome evolution, as you said, and simply repressed all feelings without negative consequences.

People are adapting their behaviors to what they think they are supposed to do or what they think everyone else is doing, but since we cannot honestly talk about what is happening, they don't have an assessment that is accurate to reality or useful for change.

I'm agreeing with you, but what you and I think many others (feminists) struggle with is that change on a biological level is extremely difficult.

Feminists have no concept of biology, no concept of science, no concept of genetics or how the human brain works, no concept of evolution, no concept of instinct, and no concept of how we came to think and exist as we do at this point in history.

It is only by understanding THOSE disciplines that you can accurately comprehend why something changes, why it stays the same, and why society either accepts or does not accept it.

Using vague terms like "society dictates!" and "patriarchy" is simply the consistent prolifieration of ignorance.

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