Show your emotions

I was drawing on classroom tables well-done caricatures of a corrupt teacher that was extorting us for money for a supposed charity. Friends (boys and girls) supported me (even with ideas) but as we were one day talking about my latest crime the niece of said teacher overheard words meaning we're in the know - It seems like this stuff tormented both of them for a while (and we had many talented people at drawing), and she was eager to know ("there have been cases of pornographic pics of Mrs. X with porn URLs you'd better spit what you know about") so we just denied it all.

Then I (and then I learned the others were subjected to it as well) had the most transparently fake pathetic attempt of some girl trying to hit on me. "Come on, you don't have a girlfriend right now so it's okay if we get to know each other... tell me more about you - what are your inner fears? What's your favorite sexual kink? If you don't wanna tell you're not straight, you'd better tell... Do you like to draw offensive drawings of your phantasms?" with a badly hidden phone with recorder on. As she was doing the worst cross-examination attempt to be sexy as my eyes have ever beheld (she was fat, with a generally unlikable psychotic acerbic mood and misanthropy she was barely trying to hide that day).

I was offended at what a low regard for my intelligence she had, yet thankful for this invaluable yet totally harmless (and hilarious) life lesson: some (not all, thankfully) horrible women try really hard to have men show their vulnerable side to them, for them to hold something against them either for disdain, mockery or ulterior motives for their own profit.

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