I showed this to my American friends, who said they were sometimes embarrassed to be American. I can see why.

Before anyone even for a second thinks I’m some sort of right-wing blind follower, take 30 seconds to skim my post history.

Reddit loves circle jerking group think, fine. And as fun as this is...please stop blindly following “facts and logic” that support your ideas alone. The right will (correctly) easily dismiss this entire video for the right reason, population density.

Has the US responded poorly? Yes. Have other countries shown more effective techniques? Yes. Can we turn it around here? Yes. But this video is nothing more than “see, I knew we were right” and does nothing to prove anything to those you think you were right against.

If Italy had 2bn people, only 5m sick is great. If Italy had 7m people, 5m sick is awful. Same number, vastly different interpretation. With almost 330m people, as a country, were a little fatter than many of the folks who are listed here. Hell, CA and TX have as many people as Italy. New York, Florida, and Ohio...another Italy. We’re at just 5 states and under 30% of our total population that’s vast enough that no one would confuse a Texan for a New Yorker. Let’s be better than the right, please.

/r/facepalm Thread Link - v.redd.it