[Showerthought] Why I think the 'NPC' meme has hit so hard.

I'll be honest, at first I found the meme to be amusing and funny because, in my head, it could apply to a vast number of people who took political agendas to an extreme.

Then, I saw a kid made a post about it in unpopularopinion saying that it didn't made sense that the left was so pissed with the meme, if they had been calling the right bots. I left a comment and went to sleep.

The next day? An obviously left leaning subreddit made a link to the post and they flocked to it, DESTROYING the post with downvotes to everyone who didn't said "right = bad", moderate and centered opinions were destroyed. And the whole time, those people who took time out of their day to raid another subreddit, were claiming that "nobody on the left was mad, at all!"

I'm always amazed how these people are aggressive, and I try as hard as I can to keep myself open to both sides of the political arguing. But day after day, I feel like they push me towards the 'right' with their veiled anger.

/r/KotakuInAction Thread