[SI] Klay Thompson on having Kevin Durant: "Last year's playoffs felt like a war every game. This year we're 13–0."

There are definitely different kinds of religious types in the Bible Belt, so yes. If I had to do a totally douchey generalization, here goes my two decades of experience living in the delta:

You have the "religious" types. This is the Bible Belt, but still only roughly 50% of people go to church on Sunday (not a made up number, there was an article about this on r/dataisbeautiful). I would say at least a quarter of people living in the rural south have a sense of a belief in God, and would call themselves Christian, but they aren't particularly devout. They may go to church on Easter with the their mom and post an occasional Bible verse to Facebook, but they're not doing the heavy lifting. How these people feel about homosexuality probably depends a lot more on their class/values than their religious belief. By that, I mean, it's not unlikely to see a more middle class person who says "Who cares what people do in their bedroom?" and you also have just the epitome of trailer trash who openly calls gay people fags, etc.

Then you have the evangelicals who definitely hate all homosexuality unless maybe they have a gay son or nephew. Usually social class or education levels determine how hateful they are in sharing these feelings.

Then you have a group I'd like to call "hipster Christians." These people wear Toms and go to private colleges. They listen to Christian alternative rock, and have definitely all been in a mission trip to Africa. These kids are usually very pro gay-rights, even if it means they have to argue with their dad about it at Christmas.

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