[SIB] a Wii U or wait for a new Nintendo console to come out

That's up to you. Plenty of great stuff on the wii u and its backwards compatible. Plenty more things coming to the Wii u.

No one knows anything about the next Nintendo console. I think I read a rumor which said 2017? Could easily be later though. I doubt it would be earlier though.

Hell.maybe the new president will lead them in some different direction. I have a dream Nintendo will decide to ditch home consoles and will just release their stuff multiplatform.

Actually its not too unrealistic because the purpose of a console is generally to increase profits because they get like 30% of sales made from games and 100% from their own games. Instead of only 70%.

But when your previous console in 2 years sells double what you current console has sold in all the years its existed (Wii sold 20 Million in 2 years and 100 Million in total. Wii u has sold 10 million so far) that's a bit of an issue. Not the worst thing because console sales are down in general this gen but considering Wii was the console which you used to pick in addition to the other consoles and maybe also a Nintendo DS too (or maybe a gameboy). But now the Wii u has sold half as much as the ps4 and about the same as the Xboxone. Fortunately they still have the 3ds to make them a ton of money but even that's down a little(its sold 50 Million while the Nintendo DS sold 150 Million. Of course the vita has sold 4 million in comparison to the PSPs 80 Million. ). I'm pretty sure the 3ds sales still survive because of pokemon.

Part of the problem was the naming and genre of the Wii and wii u and types of games available. Nintnedo is generally the family friendly company so some parents buy their kid a nice Wii. Then the Wii u comes out and parents don't buy it because a) they don't know about it b) its basically like an upgraded wik right c) so its a brand new console so what? I bought the Wii so my kid can have fun and its still fun. Who cares about better graphics? d) oh so the new games for it are new super Mario Bros, Mario kart 8, and supersmash bros for Wii u? What's wrong with normal super Mario Bros, Mario Kart 7, and supersmash Bros for Wii? (I.e. the changes of their top selling games don't really seem to big)

So I think Nintendo basically cut their market in half this generation by releasing a console which negted them none of the benefits a console usually has and only got the negatives. And Nintendo thrives in software. That is basically their thing. Hopefully they do some market research instead of making a console just because they always have in the past and establish if releasing a console would actually be beneficial to them. Sure you might get 100% of your own sales and 30% of other sales but if you cut your user base in half and people mostly buy your consoles for first party games then that 100% becomes 50% and that 30% is negligible.

Though I think most speculation says their next thing will be some type of hybrid console which honestly makes sense due to the fact that their mobile consoles always do so amazingly.

/r/ShouldIbuythisgame Thread