Siblings of Reddit, what's one story that you and your brother(s)/sister(s) swore to take to your graves before your parents ever find out about?

My sister was at a high school party drinking and afterwards wrecked her car into a pole downtown at like 3AM. She called me and said she didn’t know what to do, so she just got out of the car and was at a pizza place nearby. I was home from college on break and I was like “FUCK you fled the scene?! Too late now let’s double down.” So I picked her up and we went home to bed. Next morning she wakes up “Mom, Dad! My car is gone!!!” My parents reported the car stolen and a few hours later we got a call back from the cops saying they found her car wrecked downtown. My dad’s like “What? I don’t even think Maggie knows how to get downtown.” Needless to say they never caught whoever stole my sister’s Jeep.

/r/AskReddit Thread