Siblings of Sociopaths or Narcissists, when did you realize your sibling wasn't normal?

I honestly didn't know what narcissism was until recently, but my older brother, and my dad for that matter, fit the bill.

My brother is the kind of person who thinks his opinion on everything is cannon. He treats other people poorly and has no regard of their feelings, but will spend money that he doesn't have on them to like, make it look like he's doing something kind and charitable. He will then complain about how much debt he is in.

He will then buy big fun electronic-y gifts for himself, or cars. He has a few cars, but then will ask to borrow money from family.

We used to sometimes go out for dinner. I would usually get a small meal and a beer or soda. He would get multiple drinks, an appetizer, steak, dessert, say he will pay for the whole meal, and then be like: whoa! the bill is this much! I can't believe it!

The kicker is that he would then tell my parents about how much he spent on me at dinner, and how much the bill for two people were. Took me a few times to make my mom believe I wasn't forcing him to spend lots of money on me.

Everyone has to work around his schedule, even if you do make plans. We live in different states, and there has been too many times where he'll text me out of the blue to say either hey, I'm coming to visit today/tomorrow. Many times I'll switch plans to hang out just to have him not show up. Or show up and just sleep on my couch and ignore me.

He travels at night a lot, and there have been a few times where I've stayed up until 3 or 4am, sent him some texts, never heard back left lights on, just to wake up and find no one is there. I panic, try to get a hold of him, just to get yelled at: I fell asleep on my couch and never left! Big deal! What's your problem?

oh, ok....

One time he showed up around 3:30am. He went straight to my couch and started playing on his phone. I didn't think much of it since he just had a long car ride.

A little while later, he asks for my address and cross streets. I didn't think much of it. A few minutes later, he says he forgot something in his car. I shrug and say I'll leave my door unlocked for him

5 minutes go but. Then it's ten minutes, then 15, and everything clicks together. I knew he used grindr, he was on his phone, he asked for my address.... is he getting a hook up?

Lo and behold, he finally comes back with this shit eating grin on his face. I ask him if he got a hook up. He grins and shrugs. I ask where, he says in the guy's car. I tell him I don't appreciate him giving out my address for that sort of thing. He says not to worry about it.

One time I was visiting our parents, and he was going to pick me up to hang out. He was an hour late, and when he finally came, I was at the tail end of watching a show with my dad. He comes in and sees me watching a show and says, well, are you fucking ready to go, or not?

He thinks he's an incredible dj and musician, thinks his music is amazing, and during holiday dinners, he will put on his music, which is mainly dance-y, jazzy house, always with the bass too high, always too loud. My parents will politely tell him to turn it down or change it, and he'll often tell them to deal with it.

Last Thanksgiving this situation happened, and by the third time my dad calmly told him to turn the music down, he did, came back to the table, huffed a bit, crossed his arms over his chest, frowned and closed his eyes and ignored us while we continued to eat.

He was 35 at the time.

When he does come to visit my parents, often he will say hi, ask how they are doing, and either go to sleep for hours on their couch or bring his laptop and start watching netflix or listen to music with his headphones on, basically ignoring everyone.

He used to touch my breasts, and when I told him I didn't think that was appropriate, he would tell me: hey, I'm family. If I can't do it, who can?

There was also two sexual situations that I distinctly remember as a small child, but we were kids. Although I think he should have known better.

Anyway, I have other stories, but that's the basic stuff.

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