Siblings of Sociopaths or Narcissists, when did you realize your sibling wasn't normal?

I don't think I can say my brothers a psychopath, but he did some fucked up shit to me when I was a kid. Some of it was accidental and some of it was on purpose. I have quite a few scars because of him.

When I was about 5 he thought it would be funny to throw me off my bed and steal my blanket while I was trying to sleep. So he throws me off my bed and has my blanket, I try to take the blanket from him and we start a tug-o-war with it. He gets the hilarious idea to let go while i'm pulling on it, when he let go I fell backwards and tripped, hitting my head on my wooden dresser. I was kind of in shock at first, I didn't really feel any pain. I put my hand to the back of my head and felt warm liquid. I looked at my hand and it was just completely red. My head was pouring blood, I started freaking out and screaming. I woke my mom up from yelling and she came in freaking out, got mad at us and didn't even take me to the hospital. I probably had a fucking concussion, I have had a pretty big dent in the back of my head ever since, and I swear sometimes I get headaches because of it. I've never had it checked out.

Another time my brother pointed an airsoft gun at my face at point blank range and fired. It hit my tooth and cracked it right in half. I'm actually lucky it hit my tooth, if it hit my eye I would've been screwed.

Another time my brother locked me outside of the house in the middle of the winter while it was really snowy. I only had shorts on and was freezing. I tried jumping a fence to get into my back yard hoping our backdoor was unlocked, I jumped a fence into 5 dogs and they all attacked me, I was only like 12 and they easily overpowered me. I had one on each arm and leg and one biting at my stomach while I was pinned to the ground. Luckily none of them went for my throat or I probably would have died. I have a few scars on my arms and legs from the bites.

My brother also used to randomly hit me, one time I was watching him play a video game and he just turned and punched me in the face as hard as he could, gave me a bloody nose. He told me I was making a stupid face while watching him, how he could play the game while seeing my face when I was behind him is beyond me.

One day he didn't like the conversation I had with my step-brother so he came in and gave me a bloody nose yet again.

This is the last one i'll tell, one time he just came up to me and told me he was going to beat the shit out of me with our baseball bat. I was so terrified I took all of our baseball bats and hockey sticks, or whatever I thought could be used as a weapon, and walked about a mile to these woods near my house. I buried them in the woods and came home. I will never forget being that scared.

It's really kind of weird, I hated my brother growing up. Then one day it just stopped, we never have talked about it ever. We're really good friends now and he seems normal. He's had fits with punching holes in his wall when angry, but never anything directed at me. He definitely has a short fuse and gets mad really quick. We do just about everything together now like we're best friends, I don't even think about the things he's done very often. But sometimes it just kinda pops into my head and i'm just like oh yeah.. he did all that fucked up shit. I feel like I will never truly forgive the things he's done, but at the same time i'm kind of over it.

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