Sick 'em Rex! The Greatest Underwear Commercial of All Time - Antz Pantz, Australia 1989.

By stating what it is, how it solves a problem, what its benefits are, why it's better than the competition, providing an incentive (such as buy one get one, x% off your first purchase...etc),.and issuing a clear call to action.

SOURCE: I am a successful advertiser who has handles multi-million dollar campains, and knows that "creative brand awareness" ads that seek to entertain rather than inform and do what advertising is designed to do (persuade so.eone to buy your product).don't work as defined by over a century of raw sales data. And I hate bad advertising.

How should these have been sold? By detailing a stress test that this underwear can be stretched to hell and beaten to hell and does not get holes (unlike other leading brands).

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