Sick of looking stupid.

No you're tired of being the bastion for Anthem, not looking stupid. Believe me, there's plenty of stupid to go around and you are not at ground zero in terms of what you wrote. I also am getting annoyed defending the game as much as I feel compelled to because I simply cannot understand as someone who played far, far, more broken-stayed-broken games, had either a bad time, or a good time, and walked away just fine. This is apparently impossible for people and Anthem apparently, and this is where the word stupid applies. People are playing 'how convincingly can I emulate an 'everything-wrong-with' YT video about a very, very known problematic quantity that in terms of relative lifespan of a game, has had barely any time to *properly* be addressed on the development end, because they've been busy trying to collect data and correct mistakes quickly, first and foremost. That is commendable to me. What is also commendable is that, by opening their mouths and admitting fault, and offering up that they are doing what they can feasibly do in order to do right by it's fans, just that they must understand that there are factors in play that they just cannot detail, as no game dev is ever going to peel the curtain back THAT far on what is ready to deploy, and what is not, and detailing down to single digits per item why.

For both of these last two reasons, rest assured, you are of three people on this subreddit I've seen today who do not sound stupid. I also agree with you, and to an extent, the criticism in general from the angry mob, but boy is there a right way, and a wrong way to handle how you add your voice to a collective that is, ostensibly, a place to talk about Athem, not revel in the percieved doomsday people, at least some, have openly said they want to see happen to Bioware. THAT, is stupid. You're all good man.

/r/AnthemTheGame Thread