Sick of Money Corrupting Politics? Take the Fight Local. "The best way to counter the dangerous misconception that nothing can be done to stop corruption is to start winning ... by emulating two of the most successful advocacy campaigns of our era: marriage equality and marijuana legalization."

I have nothing to do with this movement other than my support. Any input is solely for the purpose of trying to move this forward and would require the organization approval and is done with out their support. This is totally a private appeal and would have to be presented to the organization. There is no guarantee that they would approve or accept it and this is a public appeal for service. There is no payment, approval, money, or any monetary guarantee for this effort, it is a purely volunteer basis. I am not responsible for any responses to this and have no connection to any legal basis of any connection to law or responsibility to copyright or trademark law in this endeavor. That said,

This is a worthy effort and is supported by some remarkable people. While I read it, the advertising is too wordy. I would suggest that they need a really short punch to begin the discussion, a slogan per se. I am going to start a word battle. I would like to see everyone suggest a sound bite that can really move them to the front. Something short and noteworthy. A one two punch. I know this is terrible but it is a starting point to all you creatives.

Corruption sucks, make Gov serve Us

(as an example).

Then a really direct approach that examines the issues quickly and eloquently to not involve the controversial topics, not that they are not important of themselves, but they all have an attachment to the universal ones...start a campaign that works without offending anyone except about the real issues that is discussed in their original advertising. Not the divisive but the common that we all agree on. I think we all agree on freedom and the rights of humans. I would suggest that we all agree in the equality of law and that includes monetary law. We need reform of all the issues that this group represents and that is what I am appealing your help with.

I know there are some really talented people that can get on this and offer the input needed. I hope you will join in, because your talents and voices are badly needed and can contribute to this battle. Thank you in advance.

If there is response to this, I will forward it to the organization, under my own free will, with no obligation that they will accept it.

Well, lets see it it moves...let the down votes begin

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