Sick and tired of being me

I have this stomach issue called gastroparesis that makes me chronically nauseous and throw up food. At my worst, which lasted almost 3 years, I was 100 lbs at 5'6 and couldn't walk up the stairs without having to take a break. I couldn't eat. I couldn't sleep. I couldn't even shit like a normal person. I was miserable every single day because my stomach was lame. Just one of a million parts of my body that allows me to function normally gone wrong, and I wanted to die. I never really considered killing myself, but I didn't see the point in trying to peruse a normal life. I was in college and didn't see the point in going to class because I would be too sick to work. I thought I wouldn't be able to have kids because I was sick, and even if I could have kids, I would be too sick to care for them properly. I felt all of this because I thought what I had was all I had. I believed I couldn't change the cards I was delt in life.

My stomach condition has no cure, and really has no treatment. I can't change my stomach, but I can change the way I react to it. I started my road to recovery for just under 2 years now and am no where close to being "normal" but I have no doubt that I will get there. Think of your brain as my stomach. Think of your depression as my nausea. At one point, I had no will power to get better. I had to get sick and tired of being sick and tired to find the will power to get better.

What I'm really trying to say is, you have the will power to do whatever you want even if it doesn't feel like you do. I'm not going to say here that there is nothing wrong with you. It's shitty when someone says that to you, like you're crazy. But instead of trying to figure out what is wrong, you should focus on getting better. I will never know what caused my stomach issue, now would it change the way I am now. What matters is getting better, taking incremental steps, setting realistic goals that you can achieve.

/r/offmychest Thread