Side Stories: Strange Clouds

Ay-sis-tol-ee. And yes, the “flatline” is for dramatic affect in movies. No, you can not shock an asystole or a PEA. You hear about rare cases of ROSC, but generally, these rhythms are incompatible with life.

Also, I love these boys; Marcus, Henry, and Ben have gotten me through most of the last six years.

I am taking care of my permanently, totally, disabled husband due to a severe TBI that was in no way his fault; while he’s not brain-dead, as a diagnosed minimally conscious person he is still very much alive and it is my duty to care for him. He is my love, my partner, and my greatest joy. We have two children who are now adults, more or less. They were pre-teens when he was injured.

Only now is he beginning to show a little decline in critical bodily functions. I will not remove feeding/water until I know for certain that he is ready to go because he can absolutely feel pain. Our medical system is not set up to serve people who, by complete accident of fate, are in my husband’s shoes. My husband is not a “Terry Shivo” whom, I recall, discussing with my my husband who was also a medic back in 2005.

This episode left me feeling more bereft than any previous.

Of the boys have questions about vegetative state brain damage or any medical questions, and if they see this, I would be happy to answer.

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