[Sideshow] Catch Up to Contenders Korea #1

They didn't run dive vs dive on Anubis. Haksal was Junk and Stitch was Brig on defense with Decay on Genji and Youngjin on Brig. They didn't really cap point B off their dive, but off Youngjin's Brig, who killed Stitch and then kept the CC on point for his team to focus.

Runaway is always a team that never puts the foot on the neck of their opponent. I was happy when they did it to X6, but I knew as soon as Dorado that Runaway let it slip away - especially when Hooreg was on Widow the whole defense, I thought he should've switched to Tracer or something.

I think KDP's biggest strength is their flexibility. Decay can play hitscan but also can flex onto a great Zarya. DDing's Hanzo and Pharah on Dorado were crucial. And Youngin's Brig was so valuable on Anubis, and had some great Hog hooks, and great Genji play as always.

The ability for their players to flex different roles allow them to play different comps, which I think threw Runaway off.

/r/Competitiveoverwatch Thread Parent Link - youtu.be