Siena is basically the best republic (also, what's the republic with the younger leaders?)

I'm not sure if they are included as part of the DLCs, maybe Res Publica?

They are in my flavorVEN file. They read like this:

The growing power of the Council of Ten.

country_event = { id = flavor_ven.24 title = flavor_ven.24.t desc = flavor_ven.24.d picture = ELECTION_REPUBLICAN_eventPicture

fire_only_once = yes

trigger = {
    tag = VEN
    is_year = 1460
    NOT = { is_year = 1500 }
    government = merchant_republic

mean_time_to_happen = {
    months = 120
option = {  #Curtail the power of the Ten
    name = flavor_ven.24.a
    ai_chance = { 
        factor = 1      
    add_republican_tradition = 0.2
    add_country_modifier = {
        name = ven_ten_restrained
        duration = -1
option = {  #Support the Ten
    name = flavor_ven.24.b
    ai_chance = { 
        factor = 0  
    add_republican_tradition = -0.2
    add_country_modifier = {
        name = ven_council_of_ten_strong
        duration = -1


Revoke the laws restraining the Ten.

country_event = { id = flavor_ven.25 title = flavor_ven.25.t desc = flavor_ven.25.d picture = DIPLOMACY_eventPicture

fire_only_once = yes

trigger = {
    tag = VEN
    government = merchant_republic
    has_country_modifier = ven_ten_restrained

mean_time_to_happen = {
    months = 60
option = {  #The Ten must be controlled.
    name = flavor_ven.25.a
    ai_chance = { 
        factor = 0
    add_stability = -1
    add_republican_tradition = 0.2
    #Keep modifier
option = {  #Ignore the restraining laws
    name = flavor_ven.25.b
    ai_chance = { 
        factor = 1      
    add_republican_tradition = -0.2
    remove_country_modifier = ven_ten_restrained
option = {  #Revoke the laws restraining the ten.
    name = flavor_ven.25.c
    ai_chance = {
        factor = 0      
    add_republican_tradition = -0.3
    add_adm_power = 50
    remove_country_modifier = ven_ten_restrained


Expansion of the Great Council.

country_event = { id = flavor_ven.26 title = flavor_ven.26.t desc = flavor_ven.26.d picture = DEBATE_REPUBLICAN_eventPicture

fire_only_once = yes

trigger = {
    tag = VEN
    is_year = 1520
    NOT = { is_year = 1560 }
    government = merchant_republic

mean_time_to_happen = {
    months = 120
option = {  #Enlarge the council
    name = flavor_ven.26.a
    add_faction_influence = {
        faction = mr_traders
        influence = 20
    add_country_modifier = {
        name = ven_expanded_council
        duration = -1
option = {  #Things are working fine as it is.
    name = flavor_ven.26.b
    add_stability = 1


The Barnabotti

country_event = { id = flavor_ven.27 title = flavor_ven.27.t desc = flavor_ven.27.d picture = DEBATE_REPUBLICAN_eventPicture

fire_only_once = yes

trigger = {
    tag = VEN
    151 = {
        NOT = { owned_by = BYZ }
        NOT = { owned_by = VEN }
    is_year = 1550
    OR = {
        has_country_modifier = ven_expanded_council
        163 = { owned_by = TUR }
    government = merchant_republic

mean_time_to_happen = {
    months = 150
option = {  #They won't be a problem for long with those habits.
    name = flavor_ven.27.a
    add_faction_influence = {
        faction = mr_traders
        influence = 20
    add_country_modifier = {
        name = ven_barnabotti
        duration = -1


Accademia della Guidecca

country_event = { id = flavor_ven.28 title = flavor_ven.28.t desc = flavor_ven.28.d picture = GREAT_BUILDING_eventPicture

fire_only_once = yes

trigger = {
    tag = VEN
    has_country_modifier = ven_barnabotti
    is_year = 1650
    NOT = { is_year = 1670 }
    government = merchant_republic

mean_time_to_happen = {
    months = 120
option = {  #Create the Accademia della Guidecca
    name = flavor_ven.28.a
    add_faction_influence = {
        faction = mr_aristocrats
        influence = 10
    add_country_modifier = {
        name = ven_accademia_della_guidecca
        duration = -1
    add_years_of_income = -0.1
option = {  #They should be content with their pensions.
    name = flavor_ven.28.b
    add_stability = 1


/r/eu4 Thread