Sierra Burgess is a Loser

I'm all for diversity casting, but I'd much rather there be more really good shows with all black casts like Blackish and Atlanta because these speak to the black experience and aren't just token POC characters. Having said that, I think there are a ton of roles that can be cast ethnicity blind and the best actor should get them.

Also, at some point (and we are approaching this point), casting for diversity will become racist. Only 13% of the US population is black, so if you start to cast more than 13% of roles to black actors in order to score diversity points, then that is another form of racism. It is so close right now that no one should care, and lead roles are still dominated by white people (in excess of their racial representation in the country), so there hasn't be an over-adjustment yet, but I think about this whenever I see someone cast into a role and they do a bad job like this guy did. The casting director didn't help him (or other POCs either) because he'll have a very time tough getting hired again after ruining a cherry comic role like this one.

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