The sign of how it should be!

Oh "they" don't? You realize that Native Americans are human beings with a wide range of thoughts, opinions and ideas? They are not just one thing. Way to reduce and dehumanize a diverse group of human beings. And to dictate what they can or can't call themselves? You want to talk about how "they" don't self-identify as "American Indian", as well? Do you want to tell the participants of the Red Power movement that they shouldn't be calling themselves that?

"The name Oklahoma comes from the Choctaw language phrase okla, 'people', and humma, translated as 'red'. Choctaw Nation Chief Allen Wright suggested the name in 1866 during treaty negotiations with the federal government on the use of Indian Territory."

An additional three days of "sit and listen". have been added to your penance along with two instances of "read a book"

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