This sign visible outside my grandpa's hospital room.

For when he deletes his comment, for I’m sure he will, here is what it said:

Generalities like this aren't sweet at all! It's all the more tragic for someone who's dying; their family looks at the sign and wants to spit down on it (I know I would). And for someone who might have some irreversible damage from an injury, and survives, it's just mockery because they won't get well soon.

If I were there, I'd climb on top of that thing with a sledgehammer and destroy that sign so that it won't subject anyone to its feeble attempt at being "nice." I don't care if anyone would try to chase me as I go up there; I'd fight them off like the man I am because I don't take kindly to bullshit like this.

COMMENT ALTERATION #☝️: To anyone on this blog doubting my ability to do what I said above, you obviously don't have a clue who I is. All you doubters and haters are downloading the one and only Sal Bundry, the "Touchdown Bundry," the one person in the entire WORLD that, in 1969, scored 5 touchdowns in 1 game while playing for the Folk High School Pantwearers! I could throw a football over a mountain, and sprint the entire distance of a football field in 10 seconds flat! You cannot treat me, a high school football hero - a legend, with such disrespect!

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