Silencing people you disagree with is harmful; it’s censorship that only proliferates echo chambers and extremism

Yeah I think keeping the issue hidden is pretty dangerous. If there’s an issue that is illegal that should be taken up with law enforcement, but when it comes to far-left/right opinions, once you deplatform them then there’s no way to monitor these people or challenge their views in the open and they crawl to the corners of the internet and band together to create underground movements without most people’s knowledge. Really it’s like getting rid of mold with paint.

The social media algorithm is designed to create these echo chambers that we must be cautious of. Being exposed to a single political idea is never a good thing.

But the issue is how social media companies are private corporations and thus have the power to do what they like, so it likely won’t change. They know that they’re creating addicting echo chambers on their sites but simply do not care because it brings lots of money and anyone willing to hurt its reputation is just banished.

/r/TrueUnpopularOpinion Thread