Silent Meta Comebacks

Hilariously, I just stumbled across a real-life version of this. It's not technically fanfic, since it was the source material writers who were being passive-aggressive, but it's the same idea.

The writers of 'Happy Days' wanted the character Fonzie to be known as a 'bad ass'. To add to the character's look, they wanted him to wear a leather jacket. Network executives said no: wearing a leather jacket is too 'bad ass' and will encourage juvenile delinquency (this was the 70s). But could Fonzie wear a leather jacket while riding a motorcycle? Executives said yes, because wearing a leather jacket is an Important Safety Feature of riding motorcycles (it was the 70s). So as long as Fonzie was riding or near his motorcycle, he could wear a leather jacket.

What did the writers do? They added in a motorcycle into every scene that had Fonzie in it, even if he was indoors or other places where having the motorcycle there didn't make any sense.

Now that's taking passive aggressiveness to another level.

/r/FanFiction Thread