Silver Ana on Rialto VOD review request - How could I have avoided the loss?

hi, i watched the first few minutes of defense.

your positioning is super super passive. you are playing way too safe. you literally didn't participate at all in the first fight, and it was almost 2 minutes in before you even attempted to heal your Rein (who had died twice).

your awareness needs a lot of work. you stay scoped in and tunnel and don't seem to notice low health markers or sound cues of teammates taking damage/getting stunned.

you're not getting value from cooldowns. nading yourself at full health, missing grenades, nading a torb turret.

finally, your mechanics are slow. aiming and movement. do you have really low sense? your awareness is tied to this.

i recommend you spam ana paintball to speed up your mechanics. i don't normally suggest this, but watch a good Ana streamer like ml7 or Fran and look at how much they get done, how busy they are. watching won't make you a GM, but it's to give you an idea of the limits of the hero. good luck.

/r/OverwatchUniversity Thread